Tuesday, 17 May 2016

Body gung and hand techniques



Traditioan Kung fu: Body gung and hand techniques




Traditional kung fu consists of the body gung and hand techniques, and there is no exception on the Snake Crane Wing Chun as well.  The following is the investigation of the Body Gund and Hand techniques from the SCWC Lim Tau Song kuen kuit.



SCWC Lim Tau Song



Body, Mind, Qi, Jin, Crane application.


1) 白鶴戲水蛇歸洞

White crane plays around with water, and the snake returns the hole.

身意放鬆[Body and Mind relax]


2) 飛麟九轉表掌通

Flying snake rotates the head in nine ways to represent the palm techniques

氣的發展[qi development]


3) 蛇鶴爭揮堵勁融

Snake and crane show off their best techniques and strength.

勁的發展[Jin development]


4) 鶴足三提翼四功

Crane feet step three times and the crane's wing flips in four ways.

鶴手應用[Crane Application]


5) 白鶴摺翼登天際

White crane folds the wings and flies to the sky.

鶴手應用[Crane Application]


6) 蛇鶴能制逆宗童

Snake Crane Wing Chun is able to overcome the traitor(MaNinYee馬寧兒) of the Southern Shaolin

蛇鶴蛇春來自蛇鶴拳[Where the SCWC from Snake Crane Fist]